Monday, December 1, 2008

To Be Known is to be Loved and to be Loved is to be Known

For Today...Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dear Lord,
I bring you my shortcomings . . .Oh gracious Lord they are so many. My short temper when my goals are blocked by others . . . my running ahead of You instead of waiting upon You . . . my stubbornness and selfishness.

I bring you my worship and praise . . .even though my greatest, most righteous gift of praise and worship are but filthy rags compared to You--Your Spirit of forgiveness Jesus, whispers to me to come as I am. Even in the darkest of moments You are with me as You never leave or forsake me. You indwell me with Your Spirit and I am able to breath because of Your mighty hand. You and You alone are worthy of all praise and it is You where I find rest, peace and sustaining life.

I bring you my prayer . . .as small as my offering is--You receive my prayer because You know me and love me and that is all I truly desire in the deepest recesses of my soul is to be loved by You.

You spoke to me . . .through the following You Tube presentation of the
Samaritan Woman at the Well.

For more Simple Devotions go here.

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