Monday, October 20, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

October 20, 2008

Outside My Window...the sun is hiding and the rain and wind of Fall have seized this day.

I am thinking... how awesome my Father is to provide this sunless day-it is not one of regret to see the rain return-filled with joy, rest, peace and contentment.

I am thankful for...breath that fills my lungs and the breath of God that fills my heart and dwells within my soul.

From the kitchen...not much at the moment. I think that this is a good day for Fried Rice as I have much to accomplish.

I am wearing...same ole same ole . . . Capri's, dark blue T and bare feet :) I tend to wear summer clothes all year long as I am VERY warm blooded :)

I am creating...still trying to finish my first doll, "Rebecca of the Prairie," so named after a very lovely Lady who so enjoys the "Little House on the Prairie" TV series. I hope to have the doll finished by Thursday Bible study time ;)

I am sew all day :) That is why God created sunless rainy days :)

I am reading...God's word :)

I am hoping...that all the plans that my Honey and I have listed to accomplish over the next two weeks will come to quick fruition.

I am hearing...competing sounds of the gurgling fish tank and pouring rain.

Around the house...pretty quiet and uneventful so far ;)

One of my favorite things...listening to the rain and wind. They both remind me of my Creator's power!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Boys howdy--we have plans! :)
I will continue to work on my dolls since I am trying to get enough together for a local bazaar that is held the week-end after Thanksgiving. Thursday we begin prep work for the painting that will start on Friday or Saturday. I am looking forward to my Honey's two weeks of vacation starting this Wednesday. It will be a working vacation but we are both looking forward to accomplishing much :) If I can find a "loaner" camera I will post pictures of dolls and new wall colors :) The wall color change is very exciting for us as the walls we will be painting belong to us and the bank--our very first and probably only house :) 
We have waited a long time for this dream :)

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
 Just a little photohop fun by Me ~ Free to copy :)
Today instead of a photo I am sharing a little ~ Thankfulness ~  :)
I am thankful to be married to a man who has many
talents--especially the talent of painting :)
What are you thankful for today?
Click here for more Daybooks.


Rebecca said...

Can't wait to see your new doll. How exciting. We had Little House on the Praire on this morning.

Today I am thankful that God gives us new days. Some days (weeks) seem so long and overwhelming. I have had quite a few of them lately. I am glad that they come to an end and then another one begins. Each day brings new hope of better happenings.

The discipline of weekly communion and the study on spiritual warfare has really hit our home. We are all being tried and tested and to be honest, it is making me tired. But God is faithful and I am trying desperately to rest in His unending love.

I am glad to see you posting again. I ALWAYS look forward to reading what you have written.
Love, Rebecca

Sharon said...

Though the weeks get tougher
Though the world presses in
We know, that we know, that we know, our Father loves us and only wants His very best for us :)
He knows the pain that is enough for this day
He knows the frustration that is enough for this day
He also knows-that we know-that He knows-that we can't make it without Him and thereby He supplied everything we need in Christ Jesus to get us beyond the pain of this day

I don't know about you but that brings relief to my heart.

Oh Rebecca, I just do not know how anyone can even try to live without our Lord's love and daily presence. I would be a walking zombie.

Keep on dear Sister :)
You are so very loved :)